Student supervision

I supervised Master students for their thesis on a variety of topics:

  • Emile Valcke (2020-2021), on developing a model to help football scouts in planning their trips. (co-supervised with Mohit Kumar)
  • Ignace Bleukx (2020-2021), on developing a tool to automatically recover data from binary files. (co-supervised with Gust Verbruggen)
  • Shuo Sun (2019-2020), on developing a system to intuitively query for soccer actions.
  • Nirmal S Kartha (2019-2020), on explaining the predictions of Isolation Forests (paper submitted at the XAI workshop at AAAI21). (co-supervised with Vincent Vercruyssen)
  • Boris Doux (2015-2016), on detecting strategic moves in HearthStone games (Paper accepted at the MLSA workshop at ECML/PKDD 2016). (co-supervised with Benjamin Negrevergne)


2019-2020: Machine Learning and Inductive Inference

Tutorials for Master 2 students on Machine Learning (part of the MAI Master)

2018-2019: Informatica1

Introduction to to Python programming for architecture students (Lab assistant at KU Leuven)

2015-2017: PROG1

Introduction to Java Object Oriented programming (Lab assistant at ESIR)

2015-2017: SYS

Introduction to assembly language (Lab assistant at ESIR)

2015-2017: ALG

Graph algorithms (Lab and tutorials assistant at ESIR)